Computer Questions And Answers MCQ - General knowledge Quiz-Test 2
Computer Question and Answer
Fundamental and Basic ComputerGeneral Knowledge Questions and answers for Preparing Competitive exams like bank exam SSC, CAT, Interviews Like Computer Questions.
1. _________ is governor of Maharashtra.
bhagat sing Koshyari
2. “Depressed class mission” was established by-
Maharshi V. R. Shinde
3. In which of the following bank you cannot open your saving bank account?
Reserve Bank
4. Thiba palace is situated at
5. Who appoints Chief Justice of India?
6. Golden Jubilee is celebrated when an organization completes
50 years
7. Jayakwadi dam is built across the river ____________.
8. _____________ is declared as the State animal of Maharashtra.
9. _____ city is famous for Himaroo shawl?
10. In India state are formed on the basis of…
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